Oh, right... your reading this and I'm not really there...
but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about Halloween, and here's the proof:
I found it fitting for me to dress up as a ninja (a shirt ninja at that) using my running clothes and a shirt. If I were back home I'd be sneaking up on kids. Oh well, that's what next year is for.
I've also been keeping up to date in the video game industry and nothing of interest will happen in Japan for a while, especially for Sony (of all ironies). Luckily they keep old games stocked here, they even have PSone games, but I only have PSP. Well, at least it's a region two now.
And I'll also mention something of interest of the Japanese people; they speak very openly of WWII. Seriously, it doesn't bother them. The Yamato, the world's biggest battleship at the time, is even a source of national pride. It's also commonly mentioned when talking about Japan's modernization as, after WWII, Japan changed A LOT. (Thankfully, they don't know about Canada during that period.)
Anyways, that's enough for now, I'm going to write a better entry in a few days with updates on the language etc.
Bye, and happy Hallow's even.
Edit: No, I didn't celebrate Halloween, I just dressed up, took a picutre and drew something, along with explaining it several times to various people.
You keep surprising me! Happy Hallowe'en! Check you e-mail.