There's a pun in there, but I'll leave that to bother you until I'm wrapping this entry up.
Well, I've been thinking (the worst thing to do on hour-long walks to and from school) and I think I'll quit using status updates and will not touch twitter unless they make it easier for me. Accessing Facebook (mobile, I hate the clutter of the regular version), gmail, Skype, Twitter, messenger (Windows, MSN and/or Live) and cetera is annoying. I always forget at least one. I put up with Facebook because of how easy it is to... well, we all know what Facebook is for. I'm not interested in a Twitter account. I sign on to messenger because it's automatic and something to do while waiting for Vista. I use Skype because it's on PSP, easy enough. And Google is the only one I LIKE accessing. My mail, blog, news, feeds, riddles, search engine, calculator, planet and nearly everything else is in one place. It's also accessible to PSP.
Basically, I don't use the others willingly because they take too long to access, and I'd have to update everything several times over. Also, there's Terry's theory that the more methods of communication you have, the less matter you communicate. I like full e-mails. I like having long chats with people. I'm getting to like blog entries. I dislike writing my every useless action or thought. What would you guys think if I wrote every few hours, but as, "gercunderscore4: kareoke, mvoies n puri!!!!!! ;p txt plzzz 555-8747" Even in messenger I write in full sentences with proper grammar and punctuation with the same speed as those who forget their native tongue (I'm fluent in 13375*34<, that's not the problem).
Actually, expanding on that, I'm reminded of the Japanese. This is where modern cellphones became what they are today. It was Japanese kids who started this and trust me, it's reflected in their conversations, though, there're other reasons for that too.
Getting back-hold that, I'm checking what I can get on my google page....webcomic updates....gaming news, Facebook (though a few too many varieties)...Twitter (still against it).....well, I'll tell you if I ever get all that sorted out, and if it's PSP compatible... maybe Freeware compatible...
Okay, well, regardless, moving on. Well, sort of. I'm going to mention now that I'm not going to bother getting any more attempted everything-devices (PSP, cellphone, iPhone (though they are cool) and such) until the get better and get one that actually does do everything. I think it'll be my next laptop. Until then though, I'm left with an annoyance, I have no way of writing blog entries on the fly. You see, I'm always thinking of what to write, and I often have great ideas, tonnes of detail and other good content, but by the time I get to a computer, what's not forgotten is long ago and not as interesting to me. So, I want some way to write blogs on the spot. I've tried pencil & paper but I run into the problem of editing and re-writing it onto a computer (which gets boring, so I throw it out and type from scratch). I could probably use a plampilot if we still have it. To those of you who remember, they were one of the first everything devices with notepads, calculators, day-planners and a lot of other junk. Also,while caring around a device seems cumbersome to others and I do mind the wait and unbalance, I'm hoping to find or make something to hold my stuff better.
Moving on to stuff more relevant. Such details I forgot about the Rotary night: there are three high school students here from Seattle for four-weeks. After a few embarrassed pauses, I helped out one of the previous exchange students translate the Seattle-ites'(?) introductions. I was able to help a little, but awkward pauses persisted. The two males of the group will be staying in Kanazawa. Brie gets to hang out with them at some point this week and they fill awkward bits of my schedule for next week. I will still have three days of school next week, of which they will join me for half of one. I also have lots of free time and fifty bucks to spend with them. If we had time at night I'd get some fireworks, available to anyone for cheap at convenience stores to help you enjoy summer. Brie and I will be taking them to karaoke, Round One and such.
Well, they can't, Brie, do you want to go set off fireworks. We could go to the beach and watch the sun go down over the sea of Japan while waiting for it to get dark. Swimming too? 肉, I expect you'll want to come to, along with others. The reason I'm not writing you into this is because you can pay for yourself. Also, before I get more girlfriend comments, don't bother, I'm not after Brie (though, because we hang out, there are rumours among the Japanese). Also,- no, I won't bother saying anymore, I bug Bri enough.
Getting futher along, I met my host father on the same day of the Rotary event. He lives in Tokyo and I don't have much to say about him. We just didn't interact too much. He and my host sister were here for her soccer game the next day. She lost, but did well. We came back home, went out for cheap sushi and said farewell to them.
A few hours later I was running to my friend, Middle of the Forest's practice concert. I met up with him and we talked a bit. Overhearing the sound "eva" from one of the band members, I produced the stub of my ticket which was welcomed with much shouting, smiling and laughing. You can wear a Metallica shirt everyday to get a monthly comment but anything of geekdom gets direct and immediate attention by any passing geek. And to think, we're considered anti-social. You might notice I'm opposing what I said previously about how scary otaku are by saying this. There are scary otaku, I hate how they never give any sign of who they're talking to, what they acknowledge and always seem spaced out, but there are still more decent ones.
Anyways, my friend told me to go into the studio the size of my home's living room and wait. This seemed stupid to me in hindsight because it was a long time before anything started. I even sat down, tired from running and standing on a hot day. Everyone joined me (strange how that works), but soon after we were told to stand again. Finally it began. There were a few bands of minor interest. One that will make the blog had six members, taking up what little space remained. The reason they make the blog has nothing to do with them, it was what they sang. Hot by Avril Lavigne. Not a song I particularly like, but one that reminds me of walking down my street everyday, ringing a doorbell to what has become routine rather than disappointment, listening to what excuse it is this time, or calculating the odds of disappointment, brief or distant times of playing games, printing off copies of my study notes, running beside something that belongs on a treadmill with an iPod and a cellphone going off. I don't think that's enough to pinpoint who it is.
Finally, the last performance was my friend. He's getting better. I can't say I've much else to say. He still has to look up. I thanked him after and headed back.
Today was pretty boring. I ate a whole apple at school. I'm reading one of the other English books I have. I showed off my movie ticket stub to my anime class and talked with my friend of what we liked of the new movie. I commented on their exam scores, mostly making jokes. My knee hurt. My knee is still hurting. I need to stop walking. I handed in all the schoolbooks I'm not using.
My latest return of memory was cycling. While walking past a nice mountain bike, I remembered my brother's that I use. I remembered the feeling of riding it, gripping the handles, getting tired pedalling out to the lake and its gyroscopic effect. I felt the !"$%&'ING GYROSCOPIC EFFECT.
Anyways, for those of you who remember, I said something of a pun about the title.
You see, my left knee is worn out, making me limp.
My left arm is skinned a bit and my elbow still hurts.
My jean's left leg has a large hole near the left knee not related to any of this.
All this means I probably look pretty bad on my left side.
And I've two weeks and two days left. There's the bad pun.
Now, does anyone know how to sew up jeans properly (last time I tried, they just tore out more).
Well, anyways...
Monday, July 6, 2009
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Hmm - no fair writing a great long post and, in it, hinting that you'll stop writing great long posts! Writing is tricky that way. Posting can be boring for you because you're restating things you already know (how you feel, what you did). Your readers are having a very different experience in reading it, though. We're liking it. And it's having its good feedback effect on you too. Just not an instant-gratification one.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, if you posted in MSN-speak, we your friends would stage an intervention.
I'm tempted to tease you about your cranky friendship with Brie but since you're showing restraint, I'll try to as well.
And ...what is the GYROSCOPIC EFFECT???
Forgot - re: jeans, maybe you're stitching the way a doctor stitches a cut? Don't - patching is the way to go, with reasonable overlap for the patch. We've done panoramas so I know you're good at overlap. And if you can't match the denim, go for red!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one writing texts with full grammar/spelling, etc. When you get home you're going to have to help me get on mom's case :)
ReplyDeleteAnd believe me - the language of kids here also reflects their texting style, and I quote: "OMG!" "LOL!" "Well, obs!(obvously)" I think it's a worldwide phenomena.