Monday, October 26, 2009


Running was a commitment I forgot to put on my list. I've been trying to catch up with the cross-country (x-country) team for the past little while. I've been in a few races, including regionals last week and provincials today. I was average at each. I've never really cared very much about placement or competition.

Running was at the bottom of my list for a few reasons. The first is that it was a long list of important things (entertainment is an attempt to keep me sane). Second is that I've been busy and haven't had the schedule. And most importantly is that what I knew is gone.

When I joined the team in 2006, it was a team of several main members who I came to know as the core team. I was in grade nine at the time, not at Riverview, but my school lacked a team so I trained with them. I was horrible when I started out, little more than in shape but I stayed with it.

Eventually members disappeared, starting with our star sprinter who got obsessed with his job. Then our strongest female runner slowly vanished. Our two rivalling top runners graduated but one stayed behind to help out. Then we took on a whole new group, but it gets to complicate to include them and few of them were ever as involved. When I went away, the last two girls and the guy who stayed behind all left. By the time I got back, all the rest had graduated except for some of the younger talent.

To sum it up, it was a very social team, but those who I know are gone, including the coaches. I could even go into love triangles (and even squares) but that's personal, extremely so.

I still run. I consider it a valuable skill, it's why I joined in the first place. Now though, I've nothing to run for, with or to. This seems to be the conclusion of a lot of my entries, but for now and the foreseeable future, it seems the truth.

Also, I've not yet decided whether to run with the track team. I'll be too old to enter competitions and I'm not sure if there's much point in simply running with a team of strangers, or if I'll even be allowed.

I'll end this on a lighter note to say that I'd still brush the dirt off my shoes anyday to run with the girl in pink shoes (regardless of the colour of your current pair).

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Prioritizing is annoying. I prefer binging anything that needs doing, but at the moment I have to much of too many for that. So let's see if I get get it all in order.

School - Currently, this should be at the top. My grades will be the deciding factor of many scholarships and therefore many money signs. My grades are the sort other people dislike me for. I consider seventies a fail and I get nineties in courses most people consider hard (which even out when I do poorly in so-called easier classes). It would probably be a good idea to do my homework and study.

Science fair - A major project that counts for a more that noticeable percentage of EVERY science course I have. Luckily my idea this year was excepted with no trouble, but a warning, to get a good mark with what I proposed, I'll need to do a lot of work with it. I'm doing research on renewable energy in my area.

Applications to university - I'm in the process of applying to university. It's annoying, especially for Ontario and engineering. In order to apply for Waterloo, I need to apply through the site for all the universities of Ontario. The problem with this is that Ontario is well known in Canada for being filled with red tape, and there is a lot o it for university. UBC went smoothly, and I'm expecting DAL to be easy as well. I'm still looking out for any other universities, but I have my primary choices.

Scholarships - How do I get them? How do I make myself look good? How do I make "please give me all your monies" sound better?

Work - I work two shifts a week plus a little extra and I get pay the ridiculously high minimum wage. My job is boring, tiresome and annoying but it gets me (more) money.

House - My father is starting construction of a house of his own design on some lakeside property we own. I'll be helping him out.

Blog - Not only do I want to update more frequently with better content, I also want to start another blog in Japanese to improve my skills and keep in touch with my Japanese friends.

Entertainment - I've cut back a lot on video games. I keep up to date and play the "hardcore" games, but I play less than a "casual" gamer (a novice in a nunnery). I've kept up less that minimal reading. I don't watch television anymore. I've rarely gone to the movies in recent history.

So, my plan?
Get applications out of the way quickly.
Work on school and the science fair.
Hope that I can balance a schedule with work and building.
Try to make the most of my spare time.

My main problem is that I have no focus. I'm just working at all these things that mean so little to me. Sure, the job brings me money, good marks lead to university and cetera, but I just don't feel any connection to them. I also notice that my list lacks any real social aspect.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Old Bike Smell

So, I have a new bike (bicycle). It's a few years old and was crushed by a car. I spent a night bending it's frame into something workable (ironically further out of shape). Then I got the tires on, straightened out the wheels (not entirely), attached the brakes and gears, added lights, a water bottle holder and a lock and now all that's left is to grease the bearings.

I've been riding it for a little while now. Originally I was going to turn it into a fixy (fixed-gear or fixed-wheel bicycle), this was to make the bike very difficult to use. It seems pointless now because the bike is bent, with old brakes, gears that shift awkwardly (sometimes derailing), a seat to high for most, wobbly tires and no features for comfort. I like my bike.

That said, cycling around here (I call the object a bike and the action cycling) is scary. I was almost hit by a bus today, dodging some pylons as it whizzed by. The roads here are in minor disrepair, with holes, no shoulder, hills and wind, right-hand turning lanes and drivers who know neither speed limit not vehicle regulations (bikes are legally considered vehicles, cycling on sidewalks is illegal).

Regardless, I keep it up. It's not that I can't drive, I have my full licence (no 'N') and I'm a delivery driver, I often drive a caravan, oldsmobile and a chevy pick-up. I just prefer cycling. I find it more engaging than falling asleep at the wheel. It's also good exercise while still being fast enough. It's also a LOT less dangerous.

Now for the financial:
A car good will cost you a few tens of thousands of dollars.
An excellent bike will cost you a few thousand.
You'll need a licence and lessons for a car.
A bike can be ridden without either.
Car insurance for damage is mandatory.
Bike insurance is more for theft and is optional.
Car repairs cost hundreds of dollars.
Bike repairs cost between five and a hundred dollars and can usually be done without help.
Car require fuel and a driver.
Bikes require a rider.
Car must be driven on roads and parked in allocated spots.
Bikes can be ridden and parked almost anywhere.
Car requires a seat belt.
Bike requires a helmet.
Car can go hundreds of kilometres per hour.
Bikes can go tens of kilometres per hour.
Car accidents are commonly fatal.
Bike accidents cause mostly scraped knees and road rash.

This is biased, but I know most of my facts rather well.

Anyways, I'll be out on my new red bike.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Uhg. Today is Thanksgiving day, but I'm not very into holidays (with exception to Christmas*). So for me, there's just a fancy dinner. So, instead of talking about what I have to be thankful for (quite a bit), I'm just going to write about what I'm up to.

So, turkey aside, today will be spent doing maintenance and other miscellanious stuff.
First, I have to create forms for my school's Interact club.
Then I'm going to clean my room.
Next, I want to start designing my cheatsheet for pre-cal.
And then I have a second project to do on the H1N1 virus.
I'll probably find other miscelanious things to do if I finish all that, like getting back in contact with my Japanese friends again and cleaning up my computer.

Anyways, happy Thanksgiving.

*Which I still spell Christmas despite being atheist. It's just proper. I'll get into why Christmas is an exception closer to that time.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Diifferent Life

I've found some new friends at school, since all my old ones
graduated. It was easy once I found some people interested in Japan.
The down side of this is nostalgia.
For me, Japan isn't an interest, it was a life. Even when I was over
there, I remember writing an essay (in Japanese) about how that year
was a life.
I need to get back in touch with my Japanese families and friends.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So, as I just mentioned, I've decided on engineering for my major in university. This decision isn't necessarily final, but I'm going to apply based on it.

First, I'll start by saying that I've been considereding engineering and physics for some time now (and previously mathematics). I know that I want to put my skills in math an physics to use, but mathematics is too theoretical for my tastes and I don't see myself as enjoying it for a career. Physics appeals to me because it deals heavily with math and has that appeal of being the rules of the known world, but the further I get into it, the more imaginary it seems. Engineering, still further away from math, though still relying heavily on the latter and phyiscs, is much more applicable. It also makes sense with my history of taking things apart (like the computer I'm using right now that could make Dr. Frankenstein proud), building things (especially out of Lego) like the setup on my piano to hold up my sheet music, built out of K'nex and often modified. Also, engineering's applicable side will be better for finding a job later on.

Now, as to a university, I haven't been thinking about this very long or very hard, but through my everyday life I've heard many references to UBC in engineering, mostly about their engineering department and mostly through Disocvery channel. I'd hear about a competition in which they took part or some new project.
Waterloo I read about online, though I've also participated in two of their national math tests before knowing the name.
Dalhousie is one of the better known universities around here and I've been directed to it a few times, like when I asked people at the local university (Cape Breton University) about engineering (similarly, they (CBU) told me not to go to CBU for physics). I was also at DAL for a week of math camp.
Depending on my brother's suggestion, I might also apply to SFU.
And if all else fails, there's MUN and a transfaer course at CBU.

Some people might tell me to stay at home for university. I'd ask those people to define home. I lie with my parents, but I was born in British Columbia and I've lived a year abroad. For me, heading out for my post-secondary education is part of the adventure. I also know about the financial advantages (I've even considered taking a year off to work) but I already have a nice advantage, I might as well take it.

And no, I don't want to go to a university in the United States, MIT would be a better choice than Harvard for engineering and I've considered college (though I suggest that anyone with any interest check out their options, college is cheaper and pays very well).

Anyways, that's about it. If any of you have anything to write or say, leave a comment.


Okay, I've been busy again lately. I just finished a batch of major projects and such (more are on the way) and I still have other stuff to be doing. But today I'll a little reprieve, so I'll try to actually get a post done and PUBLISH it. I have been making writing entries, but none of the... five have been posted. All of them got way too far off topic. So without further adue, I'll tell you what I'm up to.

Right now, I'm playing video games while writing this, but in general, I have my job, school, life and related activities. I'll specify that by life I mean the process of living and fulfilling as many of my body's needs as I can be bothered to. For those of you who know the hierarchy of needs, I'm missing on of the basic, but that besides the point; I'm still alive. I'll also specify that the phrase "get a life" still applies to me socially. If anyone could offer advice instead of insult to injury, I'll look into it.

Anyways, getting back on topic (please don't let this turn out like the other five). I've been going to school for about a month now. My current classes * are as follows:

Multimedia: The class for the application of modern visual development** (we make stuff that looks and sounds pretty with computers)

Pre-Calculus: Math with a teacher I don't like. I already know more than is expected and I do well despite a dislike of the teacher and studying.

Français Immersion: French in French with a good teacher.

Géographie Planétaire: Global geography in French with the same teacher as French in French.

Halfway through the year this will switch and I'll be taking Physics, Chimie, Calculus and English. Also, most of my courses are part of an "advanced" program which means they have stuff added on to make them harder. To most people, this would seem like a bad idea. Then again, most people don't like physics and worry about physical education and health.

Anyways. I also work at a Boston Pizza restaurant. But I'll save that for later except to say that I have about two shifts per week.

And now I'm looking into universities. The grade twelve class of my school (including me) went to a setup of all the universities colleges and cetera around here. Of all of them, I think I'm only going to apply to one. Nova Scotia has fourteen universities, but I'm trying to get away for university. I've finally decided on my major; I'm going to take engineering. I'll write up a separate entry on my choice in a moment.

I'll be applying to DAL (Dalhousie) because I've seen a lot of their stuff and I like most of what I see, but I'm aiming for UBC (University of British Columbia). If I had gone for physics, I would have tried for Waterloo (University of,) but it would be silly to hold such a distinguished place as a backup. I'll be looking into SFU (Simon Fraser University) as another option and not to piss off my brother for applying to his rival school.I'm also going to be looking into scholarships and saving money to add to what I already have.

Anyways, before I get off topic, I'll end this entry, publish it and start a new one.

*at this point I switched over to my video game, only to learn that PSN is "not available in your country/region" Having had no such problems for many years until now, I'm... speechless. I guess I'll have to stop wasting time.

**The way this is written is an allusion to Genshiken, a Japanese comic who's full name translates to The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture.