Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Okay, I've been busy again lately. I just finished a batch of major projects and such (more are on the way) and I still have other stuff to be doing. But today I'll a little reprieve, so I'll try to actually get a post done and PUBLISH it. I have been making writing entries, but none of the... five have been posted. All of them got way too far off topic. So without further adue, I'll tell you what I'm up to.

Right now, I'm playing video games while writing this, but in general, I have my job, school, life and related activities. I'll specify that by life I mean the process of living and fulfilling as many of my body's needs as I can be bothered to. For those of you who know the hierarchy of needs, I'm missing on of the basic, but that besides the point; I'm still alive. I'll also specify that the phrase "get a life" still applies to me socially. If anyone could offer advice instead of insult to injury, I'll look into it.

Anyways, getting back on topic (please don't let this turn out like the other five). I've been going to school for about a month now. My current classes * are as follows:

Multimedia: The class for the application of modern visual development** (we make stuff that looks and sounds pretty with computers)

Pre-Calculus: Math with a teacher I don't like. I already know more than is expected and I do well despite a dislike of the teacher and studying.

Français Immersion: French in French with a good teacher.

Géographie Planétaire: Global geography in French with the same teacher as French in French.

Halfway through the year this will switch and I'll be taking Physics, Chimie, Calculus and English. Also, most of my courses are part of an "advanced" program which means they have stuff added on to make them harder. To most people, this would seem like a bad idea. Then again, most people don't like physics and worry about physical education and health.

Anyways. I also work at a Boston Pizza restaurant. But I'll save that for later except to say that I have about two shifts per week.

And now I'm looking into universities. The grade twelve class of my school (including me) went to a setup of all the universities colleges and cetera around here. Of all of them, I think I'm only going to apply to one. Nova Scotia has fourteen universities, but I'm trying to get away for university. I've finally decided on my major; I'm going to take engineering. I'll write up a separate entry on my choice in a moment.

I'll be applying to DAL (Dalhousie) because I've seen a lot of their stuff and I like most of what I see, but I'm aiming for UBC (University of British Columbia). If I had gone for physics, I would have tried for Waterloo (University of,) but it would be silly to hold such a distinguished place as a backup. I'll be looking into SFU (Simon Fraser University) as another option and not to piss off my brother for applying to his rival school.I'm also going to be looking into scholarships and saving money to add to what I already have.

Anyways, before I get off topic, I'll end this entry, publish it and start a new one.

*at this point I switched over to my video game, only to learn that PSN is "not available in your country/region" Having had no such problems for many years until now, I'm... speechless. I guess I'll have to stop wasting time.

**The way this is written is an allusion to Genshiken, a Japanese comic who's full name translates to The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture.

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