I've been working at the house, which is a few days' work away from having a complete roof. When we started on the roof I was still dealing with acrophobia and trying to get a nail in with less than twenty strikes of a hammer. Every once in a while a nail will fall over the edge and I see the cartoon effect as if it's pausing in mid air to say goodbye before plummeting down. I would hear the sound of ringing metal and a few seconds later, a landing. This was while laying along a twenty-two degree roof with no harness or straps staying on by only the friction of my fabrics.
Now it's getting better. I can hammer in nails without too much trouble, I walk around with ease and while the edge remains a misstep away, I'm getting used to it. I'm also getting around in the rafters, but I've always been fine with that, I don't care as much about heights when I have something to hold on to.
I've probably gained a bit of colour while working out there. Being on the roof puts me at a better angle with the sun, and sadly, I've been out working there more than I've been outside of my own will (though transit probably still holds the majority of my outside hours). I'm not being paid for this as it is work for my parents, but it'll make for an interesting line on my resume, "helped build house." My sister also reminds me that this counts as "spending time with dad."
Here's a picture from the inside of Blacketts Lake from inside. We're putting in lots of windows and doors. As a technical note, my camera can't take this sort of picture, it'll either go bright for the outside, or dark for the inside, this is a photoedit of two pictures to show what it actually looks like.

Walking around Thursday I noticed a stream I pass by every Thursday walking from the Cove to Boston Pizza. I like it when this happens because it usually means that I've missed something, and that usually leads somewhere. I hope it's somewhere interesting. I noticed that it comes from a river in the residential area (which I've never noticed because the area it's in, Ashby, is a labyrinth). The other way leads to a large pond or small lake in the middle of Wentworth Park. I've always found that though I know the area, I have yet to figure it out in my head. This might be my chance for that. I'll see about poking around there the next nice day I have free.
One thing that I miss about Kanazawa is that the old city always had a mix of interesting environments and shops. The electronics store was way out of town and I got there via the river, and even the city itself was an interesting environment and full of interesting shops. Around here there aren't as many temples and cultural shops. There are a few, but they're mostly in town, and unfortunately, I don't find my own culture as interesting. I guess that was one of the advantages of being a foreigner, everything was foreign to me as well. Oh well, I'll do what I can. I can't wait to get to Vancouver to start exploring that city.
So, here's a few pictures I've taken while getting around town.

And here's another picture I took quickly while waiting to turn onto the Esplanade in Sydney. I never realized how well Wentworth Street (unrelated to Wentworth Park) is lined up for this shot, especially since this used to be a one way street going the other way. In the distance is Westmount on the other side of the harbour. I'll try to get a better picture of this another time.
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