I'll start with food. It's an easy topic. I mostly eat cafeteria food, but that gets boring. I mix it up with Pizza from the local pizza place, pi*r^2. If I'm lucky, I'll find an excuse to go into Vancouver for a meal, like the chocolate. Mostly thought, I eat food from my own stash in residence. I bought a rice cooker, have a constant supply of chopsticks from the cafeteria, and bags of rice from the local grocery store cost twelve dollars for eight kilograms (a 30 gram bag of chips costs a dollar, one kilogram is one thousand grams). I also have nachos with cheese, (a grater, ) and salsa.

I also spend some time on third floor (I live on fifth). There're some cool guys and some hot girls. One in particular has caught my attention. I remember meeting her after a night of failing to find a party. Ever since, we've been friends. Mostly, we watch movies together, chick flicks, classics, and winter themed movies. She knows that I'm attracted to her, but... I don't know. Maybe I've made a fool of myself in front of her too many times, maybe (definitely) I've been way too obvious while never actually having the courage to ask her out. She's funny, nice, attractive, and I just like being around her.
I don't think I love her, I don't even have a meaning for the word love (well, I do: undefined*, but that doesn't help). It's more than attraction, which is simply seeing someone as being beautiful. The word I use is affection**, although my meaning for the term may be different from what you'll find in a dictionary. It's the same feeling I had for a girl in pink shoes from a few years back, though I purposely let that transform into friendship. This... I don't know. I want to ask her out, but...
Part of the problem is that I value her too much as a friend to risk it. Another factor is that I keep hear about the boys she goes out with. I hear so many girls talking about how much of a jerk their recent ex-boyfriends are (actually they just say that all guys are jerks, or assholes). This doesn't make me feel very good about my gender, actually it makes me feel like crap. I think about it and wonder how I would compare, how much of a jerk would I be. I would like to think that I'd be good to her, that we could get over any issues that come up, and that if it were necessary, I could break it off without breaking her heart (of course that's assuming I would get close enough, but even causing turmoil from a break up is undesirable to me).
Anyways, you're probably tired of reading about girls from me, so I'll stop myself there. It's three-forty-five, and I use a twenty-four hour clock. Good morning, I'm going to sleep.
*Undefined means having no definition, but it also means limitless. In mathematics, it's often used to represent infinities caused by dividing by zero.
**My use of affection is the state of having someone's emotion and mood directly affecting one's own, a feeling of strong empathy. Which usually drives me to try to make such a person happy, if I can.
Yo Geoff, I like the picture with the TV on the top of the fridge, very classy lol. Also, in terms of food I am sure you can find some Papusas in Vancouver, if I can remember correctly you enjoyed those very much. Also girls are very complicated, they take time to understand depending on who it is. You don't have to ask her out on a date, but perhaps just ask her to hang out. Go for breakfast or even a cup of coffee. Work your way up from there as you get more comfortable. But ultimately learning your own way is the best, cause everyone is different. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteOh! This caught my eye-the ever-infectious one which looks uninhibitedly-
ReplyDeleteAnd the immediate reaction is of course, to pinch your cheeks, because you nerds are so cute in your 'loveless' brooding.
(The "you nerds" implies I'm not one of them but really, in my lofty world it seems like there's a huge difference between the 'girl' nerd who writes poetry and the 'dude' nerd who actually posts adorable things like, "I hear so many girls talking about how much of a jerk their recent ex-boyfriends are (actually they just say that all guys are jerks, or assholes). This doesn't make me feel very good about my gender, actually it makes me feel like crap. I think about it and wonder how I would compare, how much of a jerk would I be. I would like to think that I'd be good to her..."
Yup. I know way too many guys who think like this, and from my limited impression I got of you it seems like you fit that 'stereotype' well. I'm obviously not using 'stereotype' to reduce you or overgeneralize you into nothingness; in fact it's because I find this type of creature(I like using this word as opposed to person because it seems more colourful except really I just sound like a condescending anthropologist who pretends she's an alien) fascinating. My point: it took me a very long time to realize that boyfriends/dudes in general can easily be an asshole (same for a girl being a crazy bitch) but if a fundamental effort is made in part of both individuals to make the relationship work, through effective communication and whatnot, complaining about the others' dickishness or bitchiness will be minimized.)
Except I don't actually do things like that, so I'll back away inconspicuously.
Culture makes everything so clear-cut sometimes, doesn't it?