Anyways, this is the computer I`m using. It`s very basic. Google Documents` auto-save can almost crash it.
And beside it is the upright I was talking about earlier.
Moving on.
And this is my Japanese ID card. Not much I can say about it... It tells people that I`m a registered alien here as a pre-college student... It`s issued by the Ministry of Justice. It seemed so much more interesting at the time....
Anyways, today I read my first text in Japanese outloud. It`s a song called Nada Sou Sou (teardrop). I had some of my new friends write furigana (hiragana and katakana that explains how to pronounce kanji) on it so that I could say the whole thing. And, I can understand a few words of it, yay! Oh, right, I should probably tell you why I`m learning a song at school. Tomorrow is the school festival, it`s for a singing contest between classes. So I`ll probably have much to write then.
Oh, and before I go, err, stop typing, to those of you who will understand this, today I ate a cornet the Lucky Star way.
It's been great to read about your exchange. The text is not boring, we hang on to every word!!! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteIan and Anne Doyle