Oh, right, you guy`s probably want ot see some pictures. Well, I don`t have very many right now, but here`s my room.
Neatly folded clean clothing. A pile of dirty clothes destined for the washing machine before they dry on the hanger you see there. The floor is a tatami (traditional japanese woven floor), and those are real shoji, but there`s also a window and screen right outside.

My desk. Above is my younger host brother`s collection of Detective Conan manga (they have a lot of manga), which I hope to translate and read. Also, my books, a leant book about Japan, Shogun, and four books on Japanese (by the way, Gavin, I`ve mostly given up on
Japanese for Dummies, it seems to be more for tourists. Opposite my books can be found my PSP and cameras. The paper clipped to my new clipboard (my old one was falling apart, and Japanese A4 paper is bigger than American A4 paper) is, dadadada! geoffcard`s Japanese cheatsheet! My MEC jacket hangs from my chair, and in the bottom left corner is my photo album (yes, I have pictures of all of you, but it`s more for show, I won`t forget you guys that easily).

And here`s my bed. My backpack with +1 Canada. My school uniform is laying beside my bed (I`ll be and expert tie tier by the time I get back). Originally there were three blankets on the bed, I traded those in and got a towel, but that too is too much, and it balls up before akatsuki (my favourite Japanese word, it means dawn). So I sleep in a pair of shorts. Also, while I didn`t suffer from jetlag, and I`m not staying up late on the computer, but I`m still missing just a little sleep because shoji (paper windows) don`t work as blinds. Every morning I`m partially awoken at dawn and from there I do my best to get the last few minutes of sleep. But it makes a nice alarm clock.
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