Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Comments on Comments

Alright, I'm going to take some time to straighten a few things out.
First, thank you for the comments. They're the only way I know anyone other than 肉, t3rry and my parents read this.
Also, you might notice that I react very directly to any issue that comes up including e-mails, questions, comments and events.
Now, to clear up a few things.

First, one comment I've gotten more than once is where I say I've typed a lot about something when really I didn't. Thanks for the reminders, this happens because not everything I plan for the blog gets written.

Next, who is still reading the blog? I've gotten quite a few one time "I'm in your internets, reading you blogs" (though not in LOLcats form). Do you guys continue to read? Expanding on that, feel free to comment on anything no matter how seemingly obvious or unimportant.

Next, just so you know, I've kept a [large object, especially a hollow one] load out of the blog. I've never honestly vented on this blog, it's all been dummed down. I do this for many reasons, for example, the minute change that someone from my host Rotary club or the 松本s read this.

Now, to Mike, too bad you can't come, but it's also a relief seeing as your plans made a nice guide to "How to get Kicked out of Japan."
To BWong, Brie is not my girlfriend, in fact I'm good friends with her boyfriend, a tall blond Aussie who, Brie reminds me and I pass on to the Japanese (even just talking to a girl in Japan makes you look like a couple), he's much bigger than me. I'll add that to their profiles.
Also, dying hair is considered disfigurement, against the rules of the exchange and my school (for school: as is the length of my hair) and would have me shipped back to Canada.
Laura, it sounds more like Japanese movies, none of Gavin or my games have characters with black blowing coats, 桜 (sakura) and only occasionally feature 刀 (katana, Japanese sword(s)), but nice image none-the-less.
Next, anyone else coming to Japan? Gavin? Ian? Laura?

I still have more pictures, but blogspot is not very picture friendly.


  1. おはようおとうと。
    ウェブログをよんでいます。Did I get that right? I tried to say "I read your blog a lot". ~ている is a new grammar point I'm working on. I'm looking into coming to Japan, but currently no plans are in place, and unless I get a great job with good pay and immediate vacation time, it's probably not going to happen while you're still there sorry. By the way, Advent Children just recently came out in Japan on bluray with a demo for FFXIII in the special editions. You should think about picking one up so you can play it when you get back home. The ones here won't have the demo. Keep up the blog, I have a lot of fun reading it :).

  2. I'm still reading, I just don't have very much to say about stuff...

  3. Hey, if you're asking readers to reveal themselves, then here I am, checking in to say, I've read every post and haven't lost interest, I just haven't been commenting much. You have my empathy when it comes to those parts where you're telling about stuff that isn't working out too great.

    Inese A.

  4. Hello, fellow readers -come out from Lurk mode!
