ニコ(nee-koe) Nick
U.S.A, Male, 18?
Usually very quiet, but he does have a real personality with feelings and opinions. He's an all around good guy who, while still a bit passive, speaks up more.
He doesn't have a cellphone.
犀川 (saigawa) is the more southern of the main rivers passing through 金沢. It runs from the mountians with thick forests, through the city with wide open fields to more strict paved paths up to the sea. Well over ten kilometres of beautiful scenery. [panorama_link]
片町 (katamachi) is the main down town area of 金沢. Following a main road perpendicular to the 犀川 (川 means river, so saigawa river is just repeating yourself), it's covered in small shops and late night bars. For that it's best known for its night life. Also, the Labbro mall has a nice music shop on the forth floor.
香林坊 (kohrinbo) is just north of 片町 along the same road. A connecting road leads to the city hall, art museum, castle and garden. It's 109 mall is overfilled with over-the-top Japanese clothing stores while the 大和 (Daiwa) mall across from it features a wide range of stores. [panorama_link]
武蔵 (musashi) is even further north along the same road, but attaches to the road leading to the station. Most notable are the M'za clothing store, 近江 bazaar-like area and the gold leaf decorations in winter.
Rifare is a building for international exchange between 武蔵 and the station. The first floor has a literature book store including manga, magazines and books in English and a mountain equipment store. The second floor continues the book store with non-fiction, movie-based novels and children's books. The third floor has help for internationals, a television set always set to CNN world and a library with computers (here). The forth floor is made up of classrooms for foreign language study.
金沢駅 (kanzawa eki (station)) is the larges station in 石川 with a large glass dome over it and wide basement complex below it. It has many stores from souvenir shops to restaurants to a book store.
Forus is the seven storey AEON mall right next to the 金沢駅. It has all the wild(not in a good way)-fashion, music, and food stores you'd expect as well as an arcade and movie theatre.
遊学館 (yugakkan) is my school. Its baton-twirling and baseball clubs are well known, other than that, it's nothing worth mentioning. It has no ALT, but two foreigner students.
Convenience stores are like save points here. They have everything you need to survive and can be found very conveniently anywhere. It's to the point where if you know the area (or have a map) you can even find your prefered of Family Mart, Lawsons' and Sunkus.
I'll add pictures to these posts later.
I think I have discovered a new career for you to consider: travel book writer. As I was reading your blog tonight, it had a familiar ring. After living out of my Lonely Planet travel book for a couple of months, I felt like I was back inside another Lonely Planet, Japan. With the short, accurate and sometimes humourous add-ons.(^_^)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to....Japan? Don't Panic :)
ReplyDeleteAnd hang onto your towel!