Monday, June 29, 2009

It's a Date

If Air Canada's site is accurate and I'll be allowed back into my own country, I'll be arriving at about 00:15 (GMT-4 +DST) of what is technically the twenty-third. My time in transit will be about twenty-six hours.

So, let's do the numbers:
I have twenty-three days left (discluding today, including day of departure, Japanese time).
I have six days of school left (including closing ceremony).
I have 1011101111100100 yen left to spend (you know what binary is, right?).
I will be bringing back twenty boxes of Calorie Mates, each box contains two packets, each packet contains two bars (this deserves a math question).
I would give flight information and such if this weren't the internet, so that's really about it for the numbers.

Oh, wait, how many times can I watch the 2001:A Space Odyssey movie in flight?
(Zero, I can't stand that movie.)

I might have to ship empty cases and Gundams, that'll be annoying, but luckily I'll have the contents. Meh, anyways I've forgotten everything else I wanted to write.


  1. These calorie mates must be good! Enjoy your last days. The lawn needs mowing again.

  2. It probably hasn't been mowed since you left!

    They play 2001 in airplanes? I like it, except for the long, dumb 'alien landscapes' scene at the end. But what a thing to show on a tranoceanic flight - might as well show Apollo 13 or Castaway!

    So, cicada action? Blazing hot days? Sound of the furin in the occasional breeze? What's the summer like?
