Monday, June 8, 2009


A castle in Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail and an exclamation to something unpleasant.

That's for the night I had a few days ago. Friday night I was running around "my" room packing for my move the day after next, finding how to pack all my junk and stuff I'll be leaving behind (all gifts, most books, a few games, shoes, and cetera). I stabbed myself packing my Rotary blazer.
I had just come from meeting my next (current, now) host mother and a sister who would be in Tokyo when I got there. We had supper, but the conversation didn't get much of a chance as the mother spent most of the time chatting with the waitress. What I did get was less than I usually exchange with any random foreigner.
That was the reason I missed going to a festival with my friends,
who were to e-mail me information on the orientation the next day that Rotary failed to inform me or my family about (depite having spoken with the distric councellor two days beforehand).
Coincidentally receiving an e-mail from a Japanese friend asking if I wanted to go to the festival tomorrow, which I couldn't answer until I got the information from 肉.
This was all in a room too hot for my Canadian standards
with the wait of "less than two months left" weighing down on me.


Also, Terry, I get it, the ampersand was annoying, I was using it to cut down on characters for the PSP (and I only used in in lists). Regardless, as I doubt any of you realize from the character count of this entry, I'm using a computer. Glad you got your stuff, how was the Calorie Mate?... or did Gavin eat it all himself? or was that Canadian customs?

1 comment:

  1. Ampersand? Actually I went back thru your Live reports and couldn't seem to find the stuff I remembered (other than your struggle for the euphemism of 'sex trade worker'). So I was unfair. Standard elder behaviour.

    I ate none of the Calorie Mate - Gavin said he lied the packaging & was unwilling to open it, but you know he's going to run out of snackables some evening -

    Will I ever get around to emailing out the videos & pics from Gavin's grad? Maybe...

    And I'm framing the removeable dustjacket from the YKK manga. Honto ni arigatou gozaimashita!
