Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More finals

It's the last few weeks of university before the winter break. It's time for our final exams. I've completed three so far and have two more to go in the next thirty-six hours.

Chemistry was first, and it was by far my worst subject. The exam was difficult for me, although I'm rather sure that I managed more than a pass. Most people considered it too difficult, and some think that the professor was getting back at the class for falling asleep in class, talking, coming in late, and flat out not attending. Either way, I'm hoping I passed, glad it's over, and hoping that some day, I'll understand chemistry.

The next was statics and dynamics. Actually, I probably would have done better to call this course kinematics, but it's over now. I didn't do as well as I was hoping to do on the exam. I just had never gotten the practice I needed with the question types I wasn't used to. It's my fault, and I accept it, knowing that I'm likely to continue using the skills I gained from this course, and thereby, improve on them. Oh, and I most likely passed.

The third, was thermodynamics. This was supposed to be my favourite. It was, but with some minor concessions, like the fact that my alarm was disabled. Or the fact that I woke up at nine o'clock, when it started at eight-thirty, or the seven minutes it took me to dress and run across campus to the examination building. Or when I realized that I didn't have my calculator with me, and it would take too long to go back. To a little surprise, they still let me in, and to my credit, if I'm right, I think I passed that one two, even with a thirty-seven minute penalty and no calculator. I still liked the exam, but that doesn't mean it went easy on me.

Today, I have programming. I aced the two midterms and expect no major difficulty in this one. My heavy logic and mathematical skills give me a nice edge, that, and I payed attention in class and build many of my own programs.

And tomorrow I have calculus, which should go well based on our practice, though I'm a bit disappointed in my calculus marks this term. Honestly, for all my love of mathematics, I thought I could do better, but we'll see how it comes out.

After that I'm free for my last week in residence before the break. That'll be fun.


  1. I think you passed Maintain Composure 101, except for that seven-minute dash across campus. Good luck on the Calculus -

  2. Good job, Geoff. My heart dropped when I read about your thermodynamics alarm failure. Hope all goes well. Have tried you on Skype, but am sure you are out celebrating.

  3. Hope the rest of the exams went well, the first term is now over which is the one where everyone basically tries to survive.
