Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More letter to go, but tonight was cool

This morning I packed for the day, ate breakfast, went to school via train (watching an anime on my PSP on the way), showed some girls some easy card tricks on the bus and arrived at school.

There I got info for tonight, went to class, wrote notes for my Rotary speech, helped out a little in English class, asked them who wanted to learn English (answer:0), grabbed my stuff and left.

I walked to Rotary, got bank account info to close my account at Mitsubishi (though I still have an account with Japan Post), said my speech, got a few laughs and my allowance, ate lunch and sat through the rest of the meeting.

After, I noticed a poster for a road race this weekend, closed my account, made my other account richer by two zeros, went to the rifare, sent off two more letters, met Brie, told her my plans for the night (she decided to tag along and I'm glad she did), went to class for half an hour, got my homework and study tips for my upcoming test and left.

We had a good chat on the way, arrived at vanvanv4, met my friends who sadly couldn't play tonight, and we all went in and enjoy an awesome Japanese punk rock live (concert). We talked, enjoyed the music and generally had fun. The place was small but it was nice (in a cheap rock way). The first band was young, their first song basically repeated "I know nothing nothing nothing" and was short, but their last two songs were good. They had the same sort of style as The Pillows (did the music for Fooly Cooly). The next band was okay, their non-singer guitarist was really good (maybe some Rage Against the Machine influence) and their haircut were great examples of what anime hair looks like in real life (their singer seemed like he needed the superimposed anime eyes as he had hair covering his whole face). Then the third band was awesome. The first two acted cool, trying to act like their favourite bands on stage (though they didn't over do it badly), but the third pulled it off, smiling, facing the crowd, jumping around and looking like they were having fun. Unfortunately we had to leave early, but I was invited to my friend's next live, April 19th and bought a cd on the way out.

Brie and I had a lot of fun, and talked on the way to our stops. I was a little late getting home, but my family laughed most of it off. Today was one of my favourite days here so far, and promises much more.


  1. Great to get you back again. Sounds like everything going well. How was your trip?
    Saw "the twins" out running on Coxheath Rd. yesterday. And Julian made front page of CB Post yesterday, running around watery/snowy Atlantic St.field. Mentioned he won the Slush Run in Louisbourg on the weekend. Dad and I leave for Calgary/San Diego beginning next week. Look forward to seeing your sibs. Will send you e-mail before leaving. Maybe do Skype when we are together at Mandy and Ryan's?

  2. Wow. That sounds great – PNK RAWK. Yes I love the Pillows, & this sounds like a really good scene. You sound... adjusted. Where is teh angst?
    I ate with Gavin & gave him Yomigaeru Sora, which he promised to post for you and perhaps did. Any other requests? His Japanese skills - whoah.

  3. A concert! Geoff that's awesome! Sounds like you're really creating a life for yourself over there. I hope we get a chance to talk to you on Skype this weekend.
    Miss you lots!
