Friday, October 24, 2008

Sometimes you Have to Make the Wrong Decision

Today, I had the day off as I already said, so I wanted to explore more of the area where I live, oh right, *goes over to google maps*... ... that's impolite, sorry, I'll finish here first. Anyway, I was hoping to get something for my PSP so that I could take it around more without it getting damaged (it's actually quite useful, it has maps, music, pictures, Japanese anime and even a camera), but the store doesn't open until after ten. So, I waited and waited and then, someone comes to the door.

It's a middle aged woman and she's talking to my host mother, and then she turns to me and starts speaking in FLUENT ENGLISH! We start talking and eventually we're sitting down at the table having a full conversation. She's an English teacher who used to host exchange students with Rotary and her house is open to gaikokujin and she's very nice. Anyway, we talk about Japan, about the reasons people used to come here and how now it's all about anime and manga, she tells me that she studied in Oregon, and she was on a flight with the Beatles etc. Oh, and to give you an idea of generation, oji-san, you told me where you were when Lennon died, well, she told me where she was when J.F.K. was assassinated (in class in Oregon wondering what "assassinated" meant).

We exchanged gifts, and then she took me to her house, a five minute walk (less than one klick) away from where I am now, and she brought out her atlas (which had Russia marked as U.S.S.R. and didn't have Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania) and I marked down Sydney and Golden. She talked about other guests she had had stay at her home, about how I have to go to Akihabura and how she knew her atlas was out of date. On that note, I told her about Google Earth, and so she turned on her computer, I downloaded the Japanese version and I showed her how it works. I pointed out my house in Sydney, and, now that they have a good shot of Golden, there too, then we went to Japan and I pointed out my host family's house and her own. Anyway, to say the very least, I have a good friend in Japan, and a place to go.

When I got back, I had ramen for lunch, then I headed out. Despite my host mother's suggestion, I went umbrella-less. I seem to not only tempt, but dare fate a fair bit. It rained the whole way there, but, I didn't mind. A little rain can be nice, and [title here]. A arrived, looked around, wished I could play LittleBigPlanet (the greatest game ever made, for PS3, it came out a few days ago), and bought my screen protector. I walked back, had tea, and headed out to my Japanese lessons (an hour early, but the Rifare is a nice place to relax and I wanted to meet someone).

On the way, however, I met the Aussie, who thought that we were going to the arcade today, something we had planned for Sunday, but the idiot I am, I had screwed up the days and though today was Saturday (even though I was headed to my Friday lessons) and so, realizing this, he came along to the Rifare. We talked along the way and there we met the Nun and another exchange student (non-Rotary). We sorted out what day and what time to meet, and then the Nun and I headed to our lesson. Class was boring at first, but it picked up a little bit (I actually know more than I'm supposed to) and by the end I had learned something new about two of my favourite kanji. I took the bus back to Teramachi with the Nun and we talked along the way, I got off a stop too late (on purpose, I like walking around the city) and headed "home."

Tonight I got a few things sorted out and with a little bit of bloomin' luck (My Fair Lady reference), tomorrow I'll see about having a nice walk around town. Goodnight. Well, I shouldn't say that since it's morning for some of you, but it might not be by the time to read this, and even then it will be later still for other............ The End. There, a time independent way to finish this post. ... Oh, right, but I should put it at the actual end. Umm.... *AHEM* The End. (...or is it?)
(Yes, it is.)
(For this post at least.)

Post Script: I'll also see about getting some more pictures for next time, sorry for the lack there of.

1 comment:

  1. Gaikokujin - is that the long form of 'gaijin'? Anyway, nice to have a fluent speaker to hang out with. Based on her JFK remark, she & I are probably contemporaries - I was too young to know what 'assassinated' meant too. Even today I can barely spell it.
