Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What I Miss

Today I was thinking how much a year changes things, comparing the grads here with the sophomors and juniors. I realized that a year of change will be what I'll be coming back to. That got me thinking of a place I now call home and a few things I'll miss there (I'd be homesick whether I think about it or not):
I miss the mastermind who can always find a way to make something happen.
I miss running beside a girl with pink shoes (speaking of which, I need to get back to doing long distance).
I miss making a multicourse meal, turning my room into a theatre and watching pirated shows.
I miss taking over dish (and all my other jobs).
Driving home from work.
Running and biking as far as I can just to prove it can be done.
Listening to my mom's plans for the day (and replying "I don't know to" to phone calls).
Racing to the phone.
Playing video games and zoning out 'til morning.
Wishing my friends did more than Halo.
Being free to do whatever I want.


  1. It's sad, but still a great blog. Insightful into your homesickness. But you will be home soon enough, and it will be "ho-hum" again. Sad for you, but endearing blog for us. I miss you not remembering if anyone called, and the smell of natchos when I walk in the door (and stealing them from your plate(^_^). Also, your reprimanding look when I arrive home from the grocery store with the Oreo cookie bag already opened.

  2. "Wishing my friends did more than Halo" - ouch. May your wish be granted, for your sake and theirs!

    All those things are waiting for you.

    Aaand, back to the present. Have classroom politics changed any for you - the teacher situation unchanged - A school post next, maybe?

  3. マイクの友達のたいむです。シドニーのボストン・ピザに行ったときは、おごってね。

    i graduated from SA and im attending dal now|o|
    me and mike come visit you in june or july heheh if its possible


  4. What a great post Geoff. Like mom said, it's reflective of very real feelings for you and for us it gives us insight into your realization of what you miss (and what you eventually move on from). I like your insight and respect your nostalgia for what you may now have a new appreciation for. You're really coming into your own in this experience and I am enjoying being given audience to your transformation.
    Much love.
