Saturday, February 14, 2009

Testing Fonts

I'm testing Japanese text, if this fails on your computer please say so.
一 二 三、いち に さん、イチ ニ サン、ichi ni san, 1 2 3
If this worked the above is "one two three" in kanji, hiragana,
katakana, romaji and numerals, all in Japanese coding.
Also if there's anything you want to ask, comment on or suggest for my
blog or my stay in Japan, go ahead.


  1. That's pretty cool Geoff, 1,2,3 written out in the different forms. It looks a little too complicated for me to have that many variations. Sorry about your chocolateless Valentine's, but glad to hear you are gathering courage and sociability to maybe ask someone out.(^_^)
    Jackie and I leaving N.Z. tomorrow. Has been awesome time. On to Fiji for a couple of days on a very small island and then home to winter. Sounds like they are have a dandy snowstorm today. Hope your dad has it all shovelled before I get home. Will organize a Skype chat when I get home, if that is possible in your new home.

  2. at first i just thought you looked like you knew what you were doing, but now it seems you do. i remeber ichi ni san from karate. and i hope you bought yourself some chocolates. what are the seasons like there these days? and do you have any rotary trips for the year? and what's your favorite treat that you won't be able to get back here?
    (just a bit of fodder for your blog.)
    thinking of you, mandy

  3. For the first 3 figures, I'm just seeing horizontal lines - one, then two, then three. That can't be the kanji, can it? The hirigana & katakana come through fine.

    Was there just some kind of big strange parade in your town?

    My blog request - I want to know more about your kendo class. Cranky instructor? Personalities coming out with competition?
    Satisfying moments?
