Friday, April 24, 2009

Fogot I Can Do It This Way

He's a song of theirs.


  1. geoff geoff!
    PLEASE send this video to me somehow!!
    I really want to put it on my blog too!
    I have a new one by the way.
    Its way better, and will be more updated!
    send me it please!!

  2. Hey Geoff!
    I'm posting on this blog.. but in fact haven't opened the band stuff. Posted here as most recent and not sure how far back you check. (^_^)

    Hi! Yes, I do read your blog.. quite regularily. Have been away most of March and part of April , so behind the timess. Caught up last week with some of your older blogs.

    Glad to see the running's still going well.. seems the social life's improving as well.
    Would LOVE to see a kariyoki ( spelling?) tape! Truly can't picture you as a singer! But hey.. if the blogs on cd's and bands are any indicator.. know you love music!

    All's well at this end. Just started back to work last week. Spent a week in CB, saw both your Mom and Dad.. good fun!

    Opening cottage in two week's time. Summer's coming! Your Mom tells me you'll be home July 24-25?
    Time will fly between now and then.

    I did get your email, but haven't had time to respnd yet..But thanks.. appreciate it and will respond!

    Have fun.. keep up the bloggin! I love it!
