Thursday, May 28, 2009

Internet Ninja

In the West, I'm what you'd call an Internet pirate. Put shortly (through the experience of many mistakes) I've decent tech & Internet savvy.
In case this point hasn't been made clear enough; life in Japan REQUIRES a cellphone, don't let anyone convince you otherwise. That was my mistake.

Now, while in Japan, I use my Google mail and Facebook to keep in contact with people in Japan & elsewhere. I still keep up with a number of webcomic series. I also keep up with gaming news and ironically, most of that has been coming from the West. I try looking for anime to watch, not on TV because new anime is mostly !"#$%&, but finding it in a format I can watch is hard, I've looked for Japanese TV series as well, but I have less chances with that. I also occasionally download a song or look up lyrics. There's also this web log thing I write in from time to time but that wouldn't interest you.

I usually find a wireless hotspot so I can use my PSP to access the Internet. Webcomics are easy, it just takes a moment to load the large image. Gaming sties are harder, but if you turn off all the settings you can at least get the text. I follow their podcasts (via RSS). Finding anime to download isn't the trouble, it's getting it in a format you can use on a PSP and most of them can't download directly to the PSP. Songs are easier, and I've found a site for that. I favor the mobile Facebook site because it's simpler, faster, has better options, has the necessary applications and hasn't changed since I started using it. As for the blog (and Picasa account, which saves all the photos), it's hooked up to Google mail, I send the entries as e-mails and receive comments as posts (how many times have I written that?). I can even use Skype (up for chat?). Basically only YouTube and Microsoft elude me, the latter is no big loss and the former wouldn't be if I could find downloadable good anime.

The main limitations are that it uses wireless internet and it can olny type 511 characters of two languages (English plus one) at a time. I try to make up for this by knowing a good number of hotspots, setting the default language to Japanese and multi-posting (sorry), also, I'm getting very fast at typing on it. On occasion I'll also use a computer and in general I check my messages a lot (more often than I get any). Regardless, when people here realize I don't have a cellphone (despite having e-mail, what they use for messaging), it's a real turn off for them.

webcomics: xkcd, megatokyo, real life comics, three panel soul, applegeeks, 8-bit theater
gaming: IGN, Game Trailers, PSN
anime: PSPcrazy, anime4PSP, crunchyroll
music: lyricwiki, mp3raid
blog: geoffcard, memoirs of an ALT, [whatever-Brie's-current-blog's-name-is, sorry I forgot], シャーネルさんは日本の中ですよ。

Please note, I don't have permissions to post links, well, that and I forgot Brie's, again sorry, I'm not trying to pull something, I honestly just forgot.

1 comment:

  1. They should set it up with Rotary & issue you cellphones when you get off the plane at Narita. They could have the logo on them & everything -
