Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Grandpa of Gaming

The current generation of gaming (mistakenly dubbed "next gen") has duo- and multi-core processors, top of the line, realist graphics and on the porper console, up to fifty billion bits of data per disc.

Well, that's nice, but tonight, 肉 and I went out to find something to do. We could buy a PSX, a Gamecube, or a Sega Saturn for not too much, instead we bought... a Super Famicom, also known as, the SNES.

Two player (more-so than the PSX), easy to understand games, and the grandfathers of most good Japanese franchises. I just got back from playing Starfox. We also got a small, little know game for fifty cents call STREET FIGHTER II (the original, with booklet). You also might have heard of Super Metroid, Chrono Cross, Zelda and more. Now excuse me as I look up the Contra code.


  1. Back in the day (Spring of 2002, I think) I got curious abut this 'manga & anime' stuff. Why? I saw a late night TV screening of Patlabor II, some AMVs online with footage from FLCL and Miyazake, and... the video intro to Chrono Cross. Never played it, but I really liked that quasi-Celtic theme tune.

  2. Can't wait to try them!

  3. Awesome find geoff! I'm hoping they release chrono trigger on the PSN soon. They've already got FF7 and MGS. Apparently FF1 is coming soon as well.
    Oh, and I don't think I've told you. I joined "Academie Duello" last month It's been a huge amount of fun, and I just got my green cord today after an exam on the rapier and long sword. (1st "real" rank. Beginner doesn't count). I have my own rapier now and next I'm getting a long sword as well as a mask and gorget (for practicing as home). I'll upload pics to my facebook profile later.
    P.S. Make the Card name infamous (no using electricity!) in Japan so that when I go our reputation can precede me :).

  4. Uh oh. And no making jokes in airports either!
