Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sony FTWTF ynoS

Sony For The Win/What The Firetruck?
This is the second time a PSP has done this to me. It shut down for a few hours, then it started working again (the other time was a very rainy day), though the battery seems fried. Meh, replacing a battery is easier than replacing a whole PSP. Any customer support is useless across regions.

So, aside from that, today started out badly. I was trying to stay awake in classes, did some work in math class, and then came English. It was painful. What made it more painful was that the teacher was explaining how people in the West have opinions (I'll add to clairify, even not caring is an opinion) and people in Japan don't. I said nothing to provok this, she said it on her own, and seems to prefer the Japanese way while thinking Westerners funny.

Thankfully the day didn't end there, or I might have ended with it. I had social studies where the teacher (one I consider very clever) started the class by turning off the air conditioning and opened the windows. This may seem simple to you, but Japanese students are lemmings when it comes to these sorts of things. The overheated class cooled down very quickly (I wanted to do this, but Japanese kids (what they look like to me) never believe me about these things). I like listening to his classes because he teaches social studies, and in a way that even I understand most of it. I even get my say now and again. Not only that, he asked me to attend tomorrow (usually I'd be in math) for what I think wil be their lesson on the internet.

Then came my last math class. One of the ones where I don't listen and instead talk with my friends. It was pretty plain today until they asked me about my house. So, I drew up blue-prints and showed them my drawing of my room, as well as a drawing I made on the spot of our basement. They were amazed at my house's space, size and basement. I'm drawing the living room for tomorrow. On which note, mom, could you send me some pictures of the house. They'd probably like to see the living room, basement (take a picture from the basement window as proof it is, in fact, underground), garage and/or cetera.

Anyways, bye.


  1. "Teacher was explaining how people in the West have opinions and people in Japan don't."

    Ggggggg. I feel your pain. And although I have no proof of this (and I'm not there) I insist on believing that there are also young Nihonjin who grind their teeth and bite their tongues when they hear that stuff. They exist - they write books, I read them.

  2. Will do it tomorrow in daylight.
