Friday, September 26, 2008

Tech stuff

Yeah, I'm posting again, after a little over twleve hours, but I have my reasons. I was just reminded that my welcoming ceremony will be held on October sixth, leaving my a week (minus a trip to another city) to get the presentation up and running.

Okay, that's not so bad. I turn on the computer, upload my files and open the powerpoint presentation. Now, as many presenters and every high school student knows, everyone uses powerpoint version XP, 2k3 or 2k7, all three of which are almost Adobe Flash-like on which I have made video-like self-presenting presentations. Well, now I realize just how much I left back in Make-Shift (my name for my computer because of how much of it was put together and customized by me personally) back home. This includes Microsoft Office XP, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, Microsoft .gif animator, Corel, Mozilla Firefox, Winrar, and English settings. This computer is Japanese, with japanese versions of Microsoft Office 2k, a set up only from my brick of a laptop.

Luckily my knowledge of tip and tricks and largely English based Japanese tools make this workable, but many features of the presentation are now non-existant. Two pages in particular which had animations that would zoom in on a particular spot and have a car drive across Canada are now just a mesh of onsorted pictures. So, today I'll be on the computer fixing up the presentation, remembering that the aces up my sleeves are no longer there, and wishing I had several plates of nachoes, a large glass of chocolate milk and some black tea (my usual setup for long computer sessions). I'll post the changes later in this entry which I'll probably be editing throughout the day. So, I'll be here at ten as planned to whom it may concern.

Well, it's not in as rough shape as I thought, but changing it to work will still take some work. I've had to swap my custom made map for a google verion in three of four places, I'll post picutres of both. I had an animation that had a car travelling across Canada as pictures popped up of the different provinces, that's being reduced to pictures popping up around the country and ends with a glimpse of google maps looking at Canada with the pictures features on.

It seems ironic that I have more and more recent technology in my room than I've seen in any whole house in Japan. Anyways, I've completed the animation part of the presentation. The rest will be text, so I just need to simplify and translate a file I already have written up. I'll see about getting the animation up...

Coincidentally, I did have tea and milktoday, milk that tasted as sugary as chocolate milk (3.6%). All I'm missing now are the two plates of nachoes (one full, one empty, you'd always find that in my room). It occurs to me now that most of you have been asleep thiss whole time, meh, that just means you'll get the completed version in the morning.

In other news, happy birthday Google, good luck American economy and shaving without shaving cream feels like a mild version of having your face ripped apart (trust me, I both feelings well).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need to pick up some shaving cream.
    You might want to take your hard copy photo album with you for the welcoming ceremony. Sorry for your troubles with your power point.
