Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day Plan part two

It's a boring two klick walk to Yugakkan. I formally say hello to every teacher I pass (or risk being rude) and swap armour quality leather shoes for indoor sneakers. My homeroom class has many clowns and gossips lead by the jerk I mentioned before with whom I now have an almost friendly almost ceasefire. Though there a few nice people. Most second-years are painfully loud and in-your-face annoying with Engrish. Of course there are people who are nice and quiet, but they're not as talkative (d'uh). My other class is full of cool grads, despite a lack of free time together, I like them better.

After school comes kendo where I get to play with swords and make friends or I go to lessons at the Rifare. Before class I'll try to post while chatting with nun-chan. In class we talk to the Alternate Language Teachers while slowly being taught polite Japanese. I'm ahead here while the nun lags behind. After, we talk while walking to our "homes."

There I pass the time with books, games, manga, kanji, (very little) internet, movies or absolutely nothing until supper. I finish first and wait. After I watch some TV with my host family until I'm tired of it (I don't get tired of the language, I just hate uselessly watching TV). Than I busy myself again 'til sleep.

On weekends I spend much of my time just walking around the city. I know the city better than I knew Cape Breton after a year. If any of you come by for a visit, I'll have little trouble showing you around (the little will be finding the tourist attractions).

I'm probably a mix of Sagura Sousuke and Harihyu Suzumia; essentric Jack of all trades, seemingly mad, cold and friendly. My life has a twist of Kare Kano to it, but mostly I just look for something to do.

And for fun, here's some video of me and a friend in kendo fooling around in our off time:


  1. Xmas eve before bed here, and really glad to find another series of posts. I can totally see the Sousuke & Haruhi in you - they're both outsiders learning how to join the world, with mad skilz that the world doesn't recognize. And the lesson they both learn is that your strength doesn't always come from inside yourself - some of it comes from the people close to you. I speak as a Kyon who knows.

    Great kendo match!

  2. Great blog. Loved the video.
