Sunday, December 28, 2008


I know this isn't update time, but more has happened in the past forty-eight hours than in the previous two weeks (agruably four months). So, after another tiring session of kendo I've finally got everything but slamming my foot down. I've tired my arms to injury, I've got some caluses coming along nicely and next year I'll be wearing the clothing and armour.

Than I was driven "home" and ran to orientation at the Rifare (about three klicks away, with a heavy backpack, of my own choice). There we (the inbounders*) were introduced and introduced ourselves to the outbound Japanese students all in the other's language. Each of us had someone going to our area. Than we split up between in and out bounders and got (useful) advice about exchange from the Austrailians (who have been here about seven months longer). I'm guessing the outbounders were talking with the rebounders at this point as we were in seperate rooms.
*outbound=student before exchange, inbound=student during exchange, rebound=student after exchange

Afterwards we went to Round 1, an building with sports, games, arcades, kareoke, etc. I spent most of my time in the sports areas running around and doing terrible at everything (like dual-weilding tennis (I had two oppenents, it seemed only fair)). That night we went to a crappy hotel, played uno, had some food and drinks, watched a movie (The Dark Night, Eng dub, Jap sub, on TV via PSP), and talked... through the night and morning. I had a nice chat with Photogenic (if you guys don't mind I could put your names in here) and had a Western (as in American (continentally), European and Austrailian style) breakfast and half-heartedly filled out some surveys.

We went back to the Rifare and broke up into groups of people from and going to the same district. We were given a sheet of things to inform the outbounders on. I did my best, hopefully that student will figure out what I don't know about living in Canada. The one going to Florida was told (hopefully he knows it's a joke, especially with all the shouting and laughing) that there are many black and Mexican people in New Orleans and he will get stabbed if he goes there.

Than we went to a nice restaurant for lunch and than Rotary left. Most of us headed to the mall. We did purikura (stylized pictures), looked around (CDs here are expensive, someone please send me the new Nickelback song via email), and watched a movie (Wall-E) while a few others of us went to a Dessert cafe and hopefully had fun doing whatever else they did. After, we went to the station to take our respective trains, buses and feet home. I would have walked ecxept one of the outbounders appearently lives near me, so I took the bus and we chatted until her stop.

I went "home," tried to read, ate and fell asleep with the lights and heater still on.

I can't believe how much I just gave away. baka.

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