Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Broadcasting Live From Next Year

Here's my new year's card to all of you. If you don't get it, look up
cows PEI and year of cow. New year's is Japan's favourite holiday. The
family comes together and kids get their yearly allowance. It may not
have the same flare as xmas, but this is Japan, it doesn't need it.
Before midnight we went to ring a bell at a buddist temple(it's rung
108 times). Little has happened since.
I don't have any resolutions, but I think resolutions only hamper my resolve.
2008, 't's been fun. Bye.


  1. That's awesome Geoff! Samoorai! You should sell that to the Cows company.

  2. Yes, I got the comments working again at my end!

    So, for the Meiji era, Meeehji the sheep? And for Taisho, um...
