Sunday, July 12, 2009

Slow Days

I'd rather write this in a better mood. Right now I'm the annoyed version of bored, still a ways from depressed, but getting cranky.

The other exchange students always seem to be busy. I myself have a schedule, but it's nothing to have a fit, sneak out of a castle, fall asleep in the streets and have a stranger take me on the vacation of my life about. Besides, it's my job to entertain Rotary's guests next week.

There are usually some things I like to do around these times, so, I'll tell you about the side you guys never bother to be around for.

First, there's organizing my room. This includes cleaning it. My room (in Canada) is usually exceptionally clean, everything is where it should be, the bed covers are only messy until I get home (waking up ten minutes before class leaves little time for making my bed) though I may forget to to bring empty plates of nachos, glasses of chocolate milk and cups of tea back to the kitchen. It's too bad my room is clean because I like cleaning it. It's a good way to get into the mood for doing something. It's refreshing and near blissful, especially to my obsessive compulsive side.I also like to re-arrange my room, usually to make for easier computer and piano access, so I can watch movies on the computer from bed or just to try things. It's great exercise for my spacial thinking, improvising and make-shift stuff. I do all the moving myself with requires a bit of strength, but I usually come up with easy ways of doing it. The most annoying problems are finding power plugs and the heater tha makes a space at the head of the bed just big enough for my pillow to fall through. I also try to find new ways of setting up my computer stuff, but that's boring.I wouldn't quite call this personal, but I understand and have reason for why this is something done on one's own. On an awkward comment, I don't mind messy rooms or cleaning them or helping people clean theirs. I started cleaning my room because my mom would always misplace my stuff. Sadly, here I'm in other people's rooms and most of my stuff is packed.

Next is walking. For some reason, I can't say that I like walking (probably because I've walked myself to death here), but there are many things about walking that I like. I come from an active family and an active place, so I like using my own strength to get around. I hate using cars, they're loud, noisy, expensive, unhealthy and a very dangerous weapon (think about it, metrically tons of metal moving at high speeds). I like the scenery. I like hiking, which I'll add, is more involving than just walking. My only trouble is the amount of time it takes, which is only a problem because there's nothing to do and no one around here. In fact, my walks here have been mostly to kill time. I like walks on rainy days because as long as I have nothing with a weakness to water I like getting drenched, it's refreshing (and I have a tolerance for the cold) and I find everyone else's squeemishness about it funny. I also like walks at night. The darkness is nice as is the cool air. One thing people don't seem to pick up on is that I also walk as a social thing, and that's another reason I don't like cars. I like walking with someone, talking, getting that nice chat, getting to know that person. Cars are two quick, often you don't even get through the small talk before it's over. That's why I always walk home from my friend's house, in the (unfulfilled) hopes that someone will join me.

I read, though not as much as anyone would think. Though I have great knowledge about reading, I haven't read very much. I'm now getting more into it with Terry Prachet's Discworld, Orson Scott Card's (no relation) Ender's Game series, Shakespeare and what gets suggested to me (I've written a short list on here before). I'm not even that fast a reader, though I make up for it with all-nighters. I also have a new idea, whenever a new movie comes out about a book, I'll read the book instead. Besides, I know I'll get dragged to see all the good or over-popular movies (except Pixar movies which are wonderful).Reading on the couch in front of the fireplace with a hot drink is nice. It's better in winter with the thin blanket and the fireplace on. It's a nice spot to fall asleep.

Video games are another thing people assume I play more than I really do. I mostly know about video games. It's mostly from my brother and being in the online community. I have played my fair share, but I play less than many casual gamers now-a-days. What keeps me in the hardcore category is that I play the more in-depth games like Final Fantasy (for the stories and the visuals, I would love to have a book for number six), Starcraft, Fallout and Metal Gear. I hope to keep up with games in the future, but keep it light. This isn't actually that hard because what most hardcore gamers spend their time doing is re-playing and mastering games, which doesn't interest me as much, though I hope to play around in Fallout 3 and get some people into LittleBigPlanet. Gaming for me is distraction. I do game (i consider to game to be a verb and treat it as such) with other people, but most people play single player games on their own (well, I used to watch my brother).

Which leads well into my next topic, watching television. I've mostly given up on this and watch most stuff on digital veristal discs or the internet. I hate how addictive bad television and channel surfing is, therefore, I avoid it.

I avoid much of the interent for the same reason. I sometimes fail, but I'm getting better at controlling what I do and how useful my time is online and on a computer. I tend to avoid forums, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other drug-like-addiciton sites.

I used to cycle with my friends, but then most of them got lazy and their diver's license. I agree that cars are convenient for speed, but find somewhere decent to drive to without trouble and I'd bet I can bike there. I usually go to the lake with purpose. In fact, this is usually done with someone else, but I'd just like to mention that few of my peers bike.

Running actually is social for me.

I sleep alone, but that's to be expected. (On a totally unrealted note: looking for girlfriend.)

There isn't much else I can think to add right now. I hope this entry didn't come across as emo or any such thing.

Also, I know 肉 will reference the song he sings in karaoke with the lyrics "I don't want to cry alone," which we frequently quote and change to fit the situation (for example, he could say "I don't want to walk alone" for my walks). Okay, now that I've ruined that for you go ahead.


  1. Wow Geoff, I've always known that we were alike but apart from the gaming, I feel like I could have written that post...crazy. I like these little insights - didn't get the allusion at the beginning of the post, about the castle, etc, and it's bugging me!

  2. Laura,remember? We watched the movie at Sue's cabin - it's Roman Holiday.

    Hmm, likes to cycle, doesn't mind getting wet... we'll have you out here in Vancouver yet. So far Gavin's here & I'm working on Mandy & Ryan.

    I'm taking photos for you of the coolest fixies I see - (though I suppose Google Images would serve as well) - will send when I have few more.

  3. Right about Roman Holiday. I think the castle might have confused Laura, but I mention the movie enough.
    Terry, you don't have to try, I already want to live in Vancouver.

  4. Warning: If you go to UBC, I WILL have to disown you.
    Haha, kidding *stern look*.
    Being a hardcore gamer is a time-consuming addiction, so it's best to remain the way you are, especially with the amount of games that's coming out nowadays.
    BUT, you'd better be getting Fat Princess so we can go assault some castles together this fall. I will buy it for you if that's what it takes.
    If you want a really good series to read, I suggest George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. It's considered one of the best fantasy book series (nice big books, awesome plot twists, and he's not afraid to kill off characters). The first one's called A Game of Thrones, you should check it out.
    Anyways, back to work for me, this game isn't going to program itself.

  5. Yay, a fellow Discworld reader!
